Cutting Edge Technology

    SolarSpace is using Cutting Edge Solar Energy Generation Technology developed by world-renowned Astrophysicists and top-class Researchers and Engineers at the University of Arizona, a world leader in giant telescope optical design and manufacturing. At the University of Arizona’s Steward Observatory Mirror Laboratory, lightweight mirror designs enabled the construction of some of the largest astronomical telescope mirrors in the world, including the 6.5-meter mirror for Multiple Mirror Telescope (MMT) and the two 8.4-meter mirrors for the Large Binocular Telescope Observatory (LBTO).
    In SolarSpace technology, sunlight is focused by large mirrors and converted into electricity by small multi-junction solar cells with very high efficiency. Patented optics deliver sunlight concentrated by a factor of 1,000x to the cells, evenly divided among the cells for very high overall efficiency.
    SolarSpace holds an Exclusive License from the University of Arizona (through Tech Launch Arizona) to commercialize this technology, including the mirror manufacturing method and the optics.
    With SolarSpace's unique optical configuration, the sunlight is reflected and focused by a large, curved mirror bringing the sunlight to a focal point. At the focus, the light enters a small Power Converter Unit (PCU) through a ball lens.  The concentration of the sunlight at the focal point is so powerful that it can melt a hole through a 1/4" thick steel plate in under 10 seconds.
    Each photovoltaic mirror module is a 30 ft2 glass mirror and 36 Multi-Junction Cells in a small Power Converter Unit (PCU). Inside the PCU is a unique origami-optics reflector which divides all light uniformly among 36 multi-junction cells, at 1,000x concentration. The cells are mounted on 4 circuit cards, nine cells to a card.
    Multiple mirror modules are co-aligned on a lightweight Dual-Axis Tracker and pointed directly at the sun, maximizing total electrical output from Sunrise to Sunset.
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    9040 S. Rita Road, Suite 1270, Tucson, AZ 85747